For spring break I'm going to Italy with a couple of friends so I've been on the search for a bathing suit. It's hard to shop over here since everything is in euros which makes it really expensive leaveing me with my only option, if I want something for a reasonable price, buying it online. Don't get me wrong I love online shopping it's just I like trying things on before I buy them especially when it comes to bras and swimsuits. I find that triangle bikini tops make me look very flat chested because I do have a small chest. Bandeau tops on the other hand enhance my curves and make my chest more appealing if I must say. I mean who wants to wear a bathing suit and look a boy, not me. Usually when I buy swimwear I never buy the bottom that goes with it, I like the mix and math look better. Below I listed a few places I went to find swimsuits and a couple of suits I like from each site along with the link to the site.
1. Victoria Secret.
victoriassecret swimwear